The City Council is a pioneer in Spain in the use of a repellent with an anti-pest and anti-fungal effect for pets, totally ecological, odorless and safe for animals and people.

The municipality of La Rioja, aware of the incipient increase in the number of pets in the municipality, in addition to increasing control over the disposal of pet waste, is committed to tackling it through a unique project. The Laviana Town Council will allocate about 15.000 euros with a clear objective: “To avoid a sanitary problem derived from the feces and urine of pets, to keep public roads and urban furniture clean, to dissuade pets from making their depositions in play and recreation areas through an environmentally friendly product and, of course, to support our young people and local entrepreneurship, as we are proud that a biotechnology company like Diecolpet, with a clear vocation towards sustainability and the creation of innovative, ecological and biodegradable products, which contribute to improve our quality of life, was born, has its headquarters and aspires to grow strongly in Laviana”, explains Julio García, Mayor of Laviana.

In this way, the council is placed at the international forefront by using, from the middle of this month, the ecological repellent SIN PIS, the only one on the market certified with the seal 100 x 100 ECOITEL (Spanish Technical Institute of Cleaning), and that, thanks to its composition, is completely safe for people and animals and environmentally friendly. The application of this product will be carried out in all the playgrounds and play areas of Pola de Laviana, Barredos, El Condao and Villoria, on a daily basis until December 31, 2021, with the option to increase in time and to more areas. In addition, the surfaces of the areas will be sanitized every two weeks with a biodegradable product. The repellent works as a sensory behavioral trainer to inhibit the deposition of feces and urine of dogs and cats at the site of application, i.e. people cannot smell it but pets can and will shy away from urinating or pooping in the area where the product has been used.

Polígono industrial el Sutu, nave nº7
33980 – Pola de Laviana, Asturias.

660 924 648

Ciencia para mascotas